#HotOffThePress: A Brand New Cookies For A Cause design

Third Design from Bookish Merchandise Line Benefits The Christina Grimmie Foundation

May 24, 2019—-Straight from the start, every new design within this merchandise line will benefit an even bigger cause. Publicist Chelsea DeVries chose a cookie jamming out to the music playing within it’s Beats as the design to benefit the Christina Grimmie Foundation. Music was Christina’s greatest talent and something she used to reach people who were struggling with self-confidence, being different, standing out, and always spreading a message of leading with love.

Whether you are a female drummer, skateboarder, or punk rock enthusiast, socks are a staple of everyone’s wardrobe. And in the winter, they keep your feet warm. Why not rock out with these music loving socks on?! Each pair of these socks donates $5 to the Christina Grimmie so get a pair for you, your girl or guy, your mom, your dad, your uncle, your cousin, your aunt twice removed, turn up the volume on the soundtrack to your life and rock your socks off no matter what day it is. The socks retail at $15.99 (plus 3.99 s&h) and are available in bold and bright colors for all forms of expression.

Also available are active leggings to work out in or perfect for dancing around the house in. leggings These retail at $44.99 and support the services and operation of the Smart Cookie Philes.

Being that it’s close to Memorial Day, that is the universal signal that summer is right around the corner. Beach towels are also available so you can keep it rockin’ while at the beach or the pool. They retail at $30.99 and benefit the services and operation of The Smart Cookie Philes.

All 3 new products are available here Rock Your Socks Off!  

Keep the tune on replay and spread the word!

For all Cookies For A Cause merch, please visit the storefront here.

If interested in partnering with The Smart Cookie Philes on an upcoming design, please email Chelsea at wittywriterpoet26@gmail.com