How to Create a Multi-Purpose Room That Could Also Function as a Home Studio


Since we spend so much time at home, it makes sense to think of ways to use our properties to the max. And if we can do what we love to do from home, too, then why not? So if you’re a creative like Chelsea DeVries, here’s how to create the home studio of your dreams.

Pick a room, any room

You’ll need some space to do your hobby, whether that’s music, dance, writing, or art. ● Any room could potentially do for your at-home studio, but it should ideally be separate from your living quarters. ● You may need to upgrade the room with particular renovations to make it more livable. For an attic studio, the ceiling may need to be redone. A ballpark range for a ceiling install should be easy enough to find online.

Make sure it is practical

Whether you have a small or large space to work with, you have to make it practical.

Organize your home studio in such a way that everything has its place. Implement an organizational system that’ll prevent you from having to look for things when you need them. ● Ensure your studio is practical from a budgeting point of view too. For example, if you can repurpose old containers, shelves, and furniture, then this can save you money in the long run. ● Proper lighting for your home studio is essential to help you see every detail. ● Inspiration is key. Feel more calm and relaxed in your home studio by painting your walls warm, muted colors.

Safety first

Besides being a practical space, your home studio should also be safe to use. ● Ensure that you have ample ventilation. Adequate fresh air will help prevent stale and musty odors from developing, as well as prevent the build-up of mold. ● You should have adequate space to work or perform in. So, clear away any items that might get in your way.

Benefits of having an at-home studio

There are many benefits to having your studio at home, including unlimited time to perfect your passion.

You can make it as comfortable as you like. So choose furniture that will help you do what you do best. ● It’s easy on the pocket. Look at it this way; you don’t have to fork out cash to enroll at an art studio to get the practice you need. ● Another added advantage of having a home studio is that you can practice as much as you want whenever you want. ● You can increase your home’s resale value depending on the upgrades you’ve made to it. For example, if you’ve managed to transform an awkward nook into something magical, you can be sure this concept will resonate with the buyer. ● You can even do an additional side hustle from your home studio.

Your at-home studio is sure to work out well if you make it suitable for you and what you like to do, whatever that art form may be.