Perfect Pet Pictures: My dogs Hazel and Katrina

It’s easy to see that my dogs mean everything to me. I have two dogs: Hazel is a rescue that is an Italian Greyhound/Beagle Mix that will five years old on June 26, and Katrina, a purebred Dachshund, that was also a rescue because her caretaker went into assisted living and could no longer care for her. She just turned nine on March 15. We mostly call her Nugget because of her small size.

This video will begin our journey down memory lane with three different ways my dogs make me smile:

  1. Hazel “twerks” preferably on wet towels
  2. Katrina is one of those Netflix and chill dogs. She enjoys romantic shows with a strong female lead like Jane The Virgin. In this clip, I caught her watching.
  3. Hazel loves Justin Bieber. We have that in common. Ever since the day she came to us, she knew who he was and fell asleep listening to his music. She’s my little Belieber.


This is one of my favorite pictures of Katrina. It was taken during a funny photo shoot we did with the dogs of them wearing Mickey ears.  It shows Katrina’s faith in a higher power and her sassy attitude. This picture to me screams, Are you there, God? It’s me, Katrina. 


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Above, you can see some of my favorites from the funny photo shoot.


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I snapped this of my dogs lined up looking out the window. The second Katrina posed for the camera. She’s the least camera shy of the two of them.


I caught this photo after Katrina got a bath, and her smile just totally went with the whole Friday meme thing. And it made my day!


Nutrish by Rachel Ray was having a contest and Hazel not only snapped this picture but she smiled. All I said to her was “Hazel, you want to be famous?”


This was taken while Katrina was watching the Price is Right. She loves that show and hopes to one day see me on there shouting her out and winning big!


I snapped this of Hazel because I loved that she was just sitting like this on the couch and smiling. Even after all she’s been through, she finds a reason to smile every day and it motivates me that I can too.


Here’s Katrina on her recent birthday. I got her a sling so I can carry her around in it because she loves to cuddle and there is nothing like a Nugg Hug.


Katrina loves to be in my Youtube videos to show the world that she’s my #1 fan and always right by side.


Lastly, this is my favorite memory of Katrina and Hazel wearing some Bieber related shirts in support of Justin on his birthday. The picture on the left is cute because you can see Katrina posing with her tale wagging. She thought I was taking a video. And then they both posed to show the back of the shirts.

Preserve your favorite memories of your pets with a digital picture frame from Aura with their new pet collections.

#MooreJacks: LumberJacks Need To Eat

Today I want to get right of the heart of the matter by  saying thank you to Hormel Foods Dinty Moore® brand for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Dinty Moore® beef stew!

Before I get to why I decided to try the stew, let’s talk about lumberjacks. Much like everyone else, lumberjacks need to eat, constantly, to overcome their rigorous training. Dinty Moore beef stew is a quick and hearty option for aspiring lumberjacks.

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Starting on July 15th in Chicago, there is a nationwide competition for lumberjacks and the winning ingredient behind every star athlete is the food or fuel they intake daily. That’s why I highly recommend Hormel Foods Dinty Moore brand beef stew.


When DINTY MOORE® beef stew was introduced in a big blue-and-white can no one could have predicted the product popularity that would follow.

Today, from cupboard to table in minutes, DINTY MOORE® products are great tasting, well-balanced meals that will satisfy the whole family. Tender beef, fresh potatoes and carrots all simmered in a delicious beef gravy make DINTY MOORE® beef stew the number one selling stew in the nation.

Canned Products

• Beef Stew
• Chicken and Dumplings
DINTY MOORE® Microwave Trays

• Beef Stew

DINTY MOORE® Microwave Cups

• Beef Stew
• Chicken and Dumplings
• Noodles and Chicken
• Rice with Chicken
• Scalloped Potatoes and Ham


• Big Bowls Beef Stew
• Big Bowls Chicken and Dumplings
• Big Bowls Hearty Burger
• Big Bowls Chicken Pot Pie Stew
• Big Bowls Scalloped Potatoes and Ham

• The suggested retail price for DINTY MOORE® canned products is $1.79 for the 15-ounce can, $2.69 for the 24-ounce can and $4.59 for the 40-ounce can.

• The suggested retail price for DINTY MOORE® microwavable products is $1.39 for the 7.5-ounce cup, $2.59 for the 10-ounce tray and $2.49 for the 15-ounce cup.

For example, I bought my can for $1.98 at Walmart. I found it to be a hearty lunch before a good writing session and was surprised by how good it tasted.

DINTY MOORE® canned and microwavable products are available nationwide at major grocery stores.

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I’m not to familiar with the training regime for a lumberjack who is looking to compete nationally that’s why I’m so glad Adrian Floygt is here to save the day and show every lumberjack how to be a lumbersexual.

• Introduced in 1935, Dinty Moore® beef stew is an American classic and remains the No. 1 selling canned stew in the nation

• Today, from cupboard to table in minutes, Dinty Moore® canned and microwavable products are great tasting, well-balanced meals that will satisfy the whole family

• The lumberjack lifestyle has been a part of American culture for over a century

• The lumberjacks many people think of today are not the typical axe throwing, wood chopping or crosscut sawing burly men of the logging world, rather, they are now typically spotted in a fitted flannel and trendy lace-up boots with freshly trimmed beards to match: the lumbersexuals

• As part of the Dinty Moore® brand campaign to bring back the true lumberjack, Hormel Foods went to the depths of Minnesota in search of a team of lumbersexuals to transform into real lumberjacks and, ultimately, compete in a professional lumberjack competition this summer

• The brand is partnering with STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® and professional lumberjack Adrian Flygt to train the lumbersexuals in core areas of logging and forestry, giving them the necessary skills to walk, talk and compete like a lumberjack

• The lumberjack spirit has been a part of our brand from the beginning, starting with our animated character that appeared on our product labels and in our ads, so it seemed fitting to become a part of this great competition and salute our heritage

• With the official lumberjack training completed this spring, the lumbersexual team—Lumber Michael, Lumber Jamin, Lumber Ben, and Lumber Ian—will now move on to compete at the STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® Series U.S. Pro and Collegiate Championships on July 15 in Chicago Southland, sponsored by the makers of Dinty Moore® beef stew

• For more information about the journey to becoming a true lumberjack with the makers of Dinty Moore® beef stew, visit MooreJ and join in the #MooreJacks conversation on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

• Hormel Foods will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2016

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Make sure to take the Buzzfeed Quiz to find out more about what kind of lumberjack you are, and check out all the hyperlinked images above to get fully engaged with all the ingredients to a lumberjack victory.



#PeriodPower: Tips for having a healthy and comfortable period

Being a girl can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. That time of the month can be stressful but you don’t have to let it get you down or frustrate you. How? You ask. By following these simple ten tips for a happy, comfortable, and all-around Sweet period.

   1. Get plenty of rest

Before your period, you seem to start to witness that things get fuzzy and the world almost seems as if it’s literally caving in on you. Never fear. That’s just Mother Nature trying to take you out of the game. Take back your #periodpower by going to bed at a reasonable set time or an hour earlier than normal. Turn off the tv and your phone an hour before bed because electronics emit a blue light that ends up keeping you alert and awake instead of signaling to your body to start pumping out some good old fashioned melatonin, a hormone your body uses to induce sleep and put you further into REM sleep.  A good night’s sleep is #1 when it comes to coping with exhaustion and crankiness.

2. Exercise

    Even though most studies have shown that exercise alleviates cramps during your period, you will want to start exercising before because studies have also shown that exercise done before your period arrives actually loosens the muscles that usually cramp up during your period and you end up having very little to no cramps at all. So go for a walk, ride your bike, hit the gym, go on a hike at the local park. You’ll feel better and keep your heart healthy too. Plus, exercise releases endorphins which is the body’s natural pain reliever. #ItsAllAboutU

3. Take your herbs

When you round the corner near to when your period is about to arrive, I’m sure every girl can agree that it can seem like an angrier than usual, emotional time. Fight the hormonal rage by taking Dong Quai, an herbal supplement similar to St. John’s Wort. Typically, you can find them in most drugstores and supermarkets. Take one 530 mg capsule once daily to relieve you of all your mean thoughts and find some peace and serenity again. I have been taking Dong Quai for about three years now and I can tell you it not only works but it’s such a natural remedy. #SweetSpotandU


4. Don’t be surprised. Get a period tracking app

There’s nothing worse than being out and about, most likely, wearing white shorts or pants, and all of a sudden, you head to the restroom and BAM! you got your period. Knowing when you are going to get your period before it comes allow you to prepare for it by stocking up on products ( like Sweet Spot Labs and U by Kotex), allows you to wear or not wear the white shorts, and get more rest and be more sensitive and caring with yourself. I use the Eve app for tracking my cycle but there are a ton of them out there. One thing I love about using an app to track my period is that it will give you a detail description of how you may be feeling because you are whatever number day in your cycle and sometimes it suggests making plans with your friends or enjoying some dark chocolate.

5. Even though you want a taco inside of a Publix sub dipped in chocolate, don’t overindulge

Before your period, your brain dips in it’s serotonin levels so you naturally crave foods that create an instant happiness feeling. Instead go for whole grains and complex carbs. Some ideas: Choose baked sweet potato fries over the regular kind, or spread some Nutella on a slice of whole-grain bread. My personal favorite healthy but indulgent pre-period indulgence is a Nonni’s Triple Chocolate Biscotti with a cup of coffee but I could make that even healthier by swapping the biscotti for a pack of Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits and coffee.

6. Enjoy caffeine but don’t over-sweeten it

Whenever I’m on my period, it feels like I just need caffeine placed in an intravenous and inserted into my arm but beware, not all caffeinated beverages are created equal. For best results, avoid sugary energy drinks like Monster and Redbull and stick to lightly sweetened green tea (two glasses a day benefit your skin and fight hormonal based acne) or lightly sweetened coffee (coffee has anti-inflammatory properties which will make your flow lighten up). Also make sure to not drink only caffeine as too much does cause cramps. Instead, stay hydrated and keep sipping iced water or sparkling water with flavor. A great period hack is Bethanny Frankel’s SkinnyGirl Grapefruit or Tangerine Mango Sparkling Water. It contains green tea extract for an extra boost and it tastes great! Plus, it’s affordable running at less than a dollar per bottle.

7. Be Good To You

With our busy schedules, sometimes it can seem like we are paying for Netflix every month and never even get to watch it. So go ahead. Take a day or two to be good to you. Get a frappuccino. Go for ice cream. Go get a mani-pedi. Buy that album, dress, or outfit you’ve had your eye on. Visit a bookstore or library. Whatever makes you feel completely serene, go and do it and enjoy every minute of it. Then, come home and binge watch all of Season 1 of Fuller House. You’ve been going, going, going. Feel guilt-free about a little rest and relaxation.

8.  Feel the love

Since you are a bit more sensitive than usual, it’s totally okay to spend some QT with the ones you love most: your pets. Or your friends. Your boyfriend, or your family. Whoever loves and supports you most of the time, makes you feel good about the person you are, and helps you become better, spend some quality time with those people and go ahead, and feel the love.

9. Dress cute and snap some selfies

Taking pictures is actually a source of comfort to the youth of this generation and they may be onto something without realizing it. Dress up. Try that new eyeshadow or lipstick you bought and have your own little photoshoot. Is it a silly idea? Of course. Will it help you feel better? Yes. Save those cute pictures for the days during your period when you feel like you are the ugliest, fattest, most bloated girl on the planet and look at the pictures. Seeing yourself all dolled-up will stop the negative voices that lie to you and make you realize that you are beautiful, have value, and matter in this life. No matter whether or not your selfies got ten or one hundred likes.

10. Stock up on products that make you get in formation and slay like Beyonce


There are a lot of products out there to help girls with their period. One thing I wish somebody would work on is a pill or drink you can take that gets rid of nauseousness from your period. I suffer pretty badly every month and sometimes feel like have morning sickness without the pregnancy. So if anybody could get a head start on that, you would be my hero. Not all period products are created equal because not all periods are equal. Every girl deals with different variations of the same symptoms. Two products I love when I have my period are SweetSpot Labs  Grapefruit scented feminine wash and U by Kotex Regular Ultra Thin pads. The Grapefruit scented wash makes you smell delicious from head to toe, refreshes you, and balances your PH. The Ultra Thin pads come in colorful wrapping but they are packed with the secure protection you need but don’t way you down like other pads because the ultra thin design comes complete with dri core technology to leave you fresh and comfortable for up to six hours at a time.

Right now at Target you can get a Sweet Deal on both these brands products and claim back your #periodpower! Periods can be a bummer but @ubykotex and @SweetSpotLabs are changing the game! #Sponsored #PeriodPower Click To Tweet This


Save 15% now on both U by Kotex and SweetSpot Labs

Here’s to hoping you have a happy and healthy period.
