#BookReview: B.S. Incorporated by Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss

Maybe you’ve never worn a suit on the job. Or even spent eight hours in stilettos. Yet, most Americans at one time or another have worked the zombie-like 9-5 grind. Yet, if the only experience you have with corporate America is when you binge watched the entire series The Office on Netflix, this book is something you ought to add to your TBR list.pablo (58).png

Will Evans is B.S. Inc’s version of Jim Harper. He literally started from the bottom and now he’s here speaking corporate lingo and getting massages on company time. Enter Anna Reed, picture Pam Beesly with red heels that give her height that puts her eye to eye with her male counterparts, yet much more merciless and less soft-spoken than Pam.

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Basically they are a match made in Corporate Heaven. (God, I hope that version of heaven does not exist).

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I was instantly receiving on the job training in terms of the inner workings and the 9-5 realities that make up Corporate America. Considering this is my only form of employment at this time, I am interested to know if I could get a job with B.S.I. by the end of the book.

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Will Will and Anna end up being a winning team or a losing venture?

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Will B.S. Incorporated have to claim bankruptcy or is it going to be rewired and reworked like a modern day business proposal?

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For more information on B.S. Incorporated by Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss including co-author bios, please visit: http://bookpublicityservices.com/b-s-incorporated-hilariously-exposes-life-corporate-america/
