#FromTheTube: New Youtube Series

Today I launched the first episode of Snap, Crackle Pop: Book Versus Movie Discussion

where I read books based on movies and then watch the movie and give my feedback.

I feel like it will be beneficial to the book community as I always aim to read the book before watching the movie or tv show that they make based on books but it also allows for me to save people the time if I felt the movie didn’t honor the book in the way it deserved.

Here is the first episode. Enjoy (with or without popcorn) and please consider liking the video on Youtube to help it reach more bookish movie lovers.

#FromTheTube: Mental Health on Booktube Tag

Since I have no new reviews for you, I am trying to get some booktube videos done and up so you aren’t just consuming Music based content. Overall, I found this tag to be so wonderful as it helps to end the stigma about talking about mental health and also has anyone who does the tag openly talking about books that feature mental health storylines or helped in some way with mental health discussions in the readers life.

It was started by Beautiful Chaos of Books and you can check out the original tag in the description box.