#BookReview: Instantaneous Profound Knowledge Abounds in “Instant Messages”

As much as I enjoy writing poetry, I enjoy reading it even more so. There is something so breath-taking about it. As if the thought in your pre-frontal cortex was exactly the words you are reading or even better, the words you are reading were not expressed but lay deep within you, and you finally found the perfect way to piece them together as you read said poem. This book was not only breath-taking, profound, insightful, and inspiring but offered me  micro poems or haikus of sorts that are easy to read as a text message from a friend. Yet, much like the author of this wonderful book, the friend has so much they wish to express that the messages must remain anonymous, and then they text you something that makes you say aloud: Wow. you mean somebody feels the exact same way I do? 

I guarantee that if the New York Times and the New Yorker get a whiff of the greatness from this book, the author will soon become less of one of anonymity and more of a media frenzy that will shuffle election talk under the rug for quite a while.

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Want to win one of three signed copies? Just tweet the link to this review with a light bulb emoji from today until the official release day of this novel Oct. 14 at 12 a.m. Only on Facebook? No worries. Share this review on Facebook and tag The Smart Cookie Philes. Three lucky people will be the winners!

#BookReview: More Than Enough by Lee Hull Moses

I hunger for more and more literature that builds my faith as a Christian. So when I was offered this book to read, I jumped at the chance. Hoping it would open my eyes to a new perspective regarding prosperity.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

This book really did nothing more than put me to sleep. It was an accurate depiction of life as I already live it with pressure from every which way to obtain more and more stuff and well, I gained nothing new from reading this.


#BookReview: Being A Dog by Alexandra Horowitz



I was beyond stoked to read this book because as a cynophile, I love books about dogs as much as I love dogs. I love to learn as much as I can about the four-legged friends who hold my heart so I jumped at the chance to read this.

Sadly, despite it’s intriguing title and author’s best-selling reputation, this book was mostly like reading an animal science textbook and I’ve never been someone who reads textbooks for leisure.

I would give this book overall two stars because although I thought it was dry and overly wordy (and nerdy), I feel that some people who give it a try would find that they learn a lot from it.


The author is a very intelligent human (an adjunct professor at Barnard College) with multiple degrees (She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego, and a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania) in her field of animal psychology and behavior which makes me still want to read her NYT #1 Bestseller. Stay tuned for that review!

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#TeamGrimmie: Christina Grimmie Post-Humanly Shares Last Four Music Videos

Just writing that title made me choked up. I am still not over the fact that young and beautiful Christina Grimmie has passed away. Yet, was amazingly impressed with the way her team decided to share each of the four tracks off her Side A EP with each of the music videos that could be one long extended play final film that Christina starred in.


Snow White: This music video introduces us to the character of Jessica Blue who Grimmie and the music from the EP is portraying. Debuting on her Youtube channel on August 11, 2016, this one made me cry my eyes out because it was the first time I had seen new footage of Christina since that last performance video was shared. Yet, overall, whoever edited the music to match her lip syncing in the video did a poor job and I was worried all the videos were going to turn out this way.

Thankfully, the next video proved me wrong and set my worries at ease.

Her vocals slay on this track and coming from someone who hadn’t listened to the full EP, I was really impressed with the video, it’s editing, and the imagery and direction of this video. Christina stuns in that rooftop still. Wow.

This is by far my favorite music video because not only is this my favorite song off the EP because I relate to it but Christina sneaks in some of her personal values within it by having the lead grandmother say to Jessica: See that girl right there. She’s beautiful exactly how she is. Plus, you can really see Christina’s pure musical talent in this one and on this track.

One of the last tracks Christina ever performed live, this video is eerie because it shows Jessica at a live performance but to see Christina pretending to perform live knowing she isn’t ever going to again really shook me here. Yet, I love how beautiful she looks and sounds in this final video.


RIP Christina, you will forever be missed. You will forever be loved. Your music will live on to carry the message that was your life.

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#MusicReview: Loaded with Potential; Loaded Gun EP


Originally hailing from Toronto, Crystyna Marie sings with a powder keg
voice over a cocktail of grungy blues and pop. The classically trained
Canadian-born singer has supported Ontario acts and been featured as a
demo singer on indie labels from as young as 18 years old.

Marie has taken first place in various categories in the Kiwanis Music
Festival 2 years in a row. She’s taken lead roles in local community
plays; West Side Story as Maria and Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Over
the years, she has racked up a long list of smaller roles in music
videos, television and was also the lead singer in an LA founded pop
group called Greencat. Writing and releasing her own music, with her own
unique voice, however, is where her true passion lies.

Believing the classics are just as essential as modern favorites, she
finds musical inspiration in everyone from Janis Joplin, Ottis Redding
and Etta James to Selena and Christina Aguilera.

Although Crystyna has been represented by several independent labels
over the years, she decided that in order to shape the sound she wanted,
releasing music on her own was absolutely necessary. Her first solo
single, “Loaded Gun”, is proof that this was the right choice, revealing
the first taste of Marie’s gritty take on the blues.

The EP was released on Feb 29, 2016.

Song by Song Review

“Loaded Gun”: Starting out with a staccato drum beat and bluesy guitar chords, this track with vocals that remind me of Miley Cyrus (at her best) discusses love that has you all over the place emotionally.

“Down The Road”: True to form bluesy rock with gut wrenching raw emotive vocals, this song has the total potential to be as powerful as a Jonny Lang song.

“No More”: Totally reminds me of a pop rock song from bands such as 3 Door Down, Marie sings about feeling so numb after someone breaks your heart. Favorite lyric: “No more I feel of you.”

“The Tower”: The musicality of this track is by far my favorite, as well as the lyricism and songwriting.  Favorite lyric: “There will be no breaking down only breaking through.” Strength penned so succinctly.

Overall, if you haven’t downloaded Marie’s Loaded Gun EP your Itunes library is probably not living up to it’s potential and is definitely lacking for some of what Chrystyna Marie brings to the table.

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#BookReview: The Dean Machine by Dylan Lee Peters and #Giveaway

1462700_997072326995337_9104105388963935586_o.jpgGrowing up one of my favorite books and a staple in my childhood was The Giver. Then, for some reason, I basically forgot how much I loved science fiction in order to pursue YA fiction, etc. Then, I started reading this book and wow, what a READ! From the first page, I was hooked. Why? Well, let me tell you that the main character of this novel isn’t Dan Delacor but his dog, Dean.

Written in memory of the author’s own dog Dean, there was a part in the beginning of the novel that literally encapsulated all that I miss about my own soulmate and best friend Geniveve who left to visit the rainbow bridge in the end of July 2015. I definitely teared up. I love the dystopian futuristic feel this novel has and everything about it worked smoothly and efficiently like any machine might.

This book itself is a machine with a heart that beats perfectly in sync with those that choose to read it. Some may call it a “heart bond” made just for you.



To keep up with Dylan Lee Peters other works and works in progress, please visit his Twitter and his site.

To keep the machine that is this site running, I’m holding another giveaway!

Two winners will win copies of The Dean Machine straight from the author.

All U.S. only entrants can enter here.

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#MusicReview: Ryan Follese EP; I Like It Like That

It’s okay if you like myself felt this incredible urge to grab a hairbrush and start singing along after that title. Hot Chelle Rae is one of the greatest rock/ pop rock bands that ever came onto the music scene. Yet, today, the spotlight gets a little brighter for the lead singer as he steps out as a solo artist with a brand new EP.

Ryan Smiling

There’s no denying a smile like that comes from finally finding the thing that clicks, the right groove, the right chord, the niche that floats  your boat. Ryan Follese, oldest son of famed country songwriters Adrienne and Keith Follese, (“The Way You Love Me” by Faith Hill; “Something Like That” by Tim McGraw), Ryan recently figured out why he kept writing country songs despite being one-third of an American pop band). Being that he was born into it and raised in Nashville, he hit all the right notes right out the gate when he sat down to write this EP. Yet, that doesn’t mean it was any less work than any other music project. He spent two years working on it with his family and various music geniuses at Big Machine Label Group. He was officially signed June 15, 2016. And I couldn’t be happier that not only is Ryan making music but his heart is overjoyed and it definitely shows with this six-song EP baring his name.Ryan-Follese

Song by Song Review


“Put A Label On It”: A song that discusses that moment when you want everyone to know that you not only found someone but you can’t wait to tell the world. Favorite lyric: “I can read you like a book girl. And we’re on the same page.”

“Wilder”: One of my favorites off the EP because it showcases Ryan’s heart but still has an up-tempo melody and rhythm. And love the banjo on the backtrack. Favorite lyric: “Like a couple of kids in the dark playing with fire just to see how hot we burn.”

“One Thing Right”: The perfect song to come home to play on repeat after a long rough day at work. For me it’s a song I dedicate to my dogs (cheesy I know) because it touches on that one person or people who make you want to become better, and also help you shrug off the mistakes you made yesterday. Definitely a Southern wedding song.

“Lose A Little Sleep”: For Hot Chelle Rae super fans like myself, this song has a pop anthem feel but with plenty of country transitions so you get a little taste of both genres. Definitely a hit for sure plus it really exhibits Follese’s handsome vocal range.  Favorite lyric: “24/7 365 you’re in my head. Only one number on my speed dial. Like I’d forget.” Oh my swoon! 😍 😍 😍

“Growing Up”: My favorite off the EP for sure because it’s way relatable for me right now in my life (graduate college only to struggle to find a job in my field, forced to work a part-time job in order so that I don’t become the typical starving artist). Favorite lyric: “They say I gotta grow up but right now I’m feeling too young.”

“Float Your Boat”: I spent most of middle school to people asking me for life advice: “Whatever floats your banana boat” so this song speaks to me on a spiritual level. For my feature piece/ full review on this track, #ICYMI.

Overall, I see big things for the lead singer of my favorite band. I see someone who has the talent musically to go far as a solo artist and really come into who he was born to be all along. Whatever floats your boat, Ryan. I’m totally in support of.