#BookReview: Prosperity is God’s Will For You; God’s Will is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland

It’s not a surprise that this book spoke to me. I’ve grown up looking to Gloria and her husband Kenneth Copeland as my spiritual parents. I’ve learned so much knowledge from them about God, how to use my faith, the power of using your mouth supernaturally to confess what you believe, etc.

This book surprised me because although some of the principles I’ve grown up on, it always seems like because they are simple that I seem to forget to apply them to my everyday life.

Some principles you will learn about in this book are:

1. God’s Will Is Prosperity
2. Priorities
3. Divine Prosperity
4. The Hundredfold Return
5. How To Receive From God
6. Our Angels At Work!
7. Yes, You Can Stand!
8. Defeat Satan’s Attacks

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Happy One Year, The Smart Cookie!

#BookReview: Anonymous Letter from a Stranger saved my life; Love Junkies by Christy Johnson

Dang. This book was sent to me by a friend who knows the author, and I cannot thank her enough for sending this to me. It read like a letter from an anonymous friend who had compassionate concern for me as a woman and wanted to offer biblical advice on how to be better in the area of love, and how a woman’s love life trickles into all other areas of her life.

Plus, I found a whole list of books I want to read that this book recommended. And that’s a win-win in the life of a Smart Cookie and Bibliophile.

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#BookReview: ‘Pour Me A Life’ left me Drunk In Love With It’s Prose

Since venturing into writing my own memoir, I’ve fallen deep for the genre itself. Now it’s one of my favorites. I don’t know what ever made me accept this book for reading but I am so glad that it ended up in my TBR pile.


Click here to buy a copy of Pour Me, A Life


Pour Me A Life

A.A Gill

Rating: Five Out of Five Cookies

Hailing from England comes the author in his own words telling the tale of his life thus far.

At it’s worst, I didn’t agree with everything the author said throughout the book but he made me understand where he was coming from and how he felt through many a defining experiences, and I found myself making sure I was still breathing because his words stole the wind right out of my lungs in the best way.

His prolific vocabulary made me feel like I was back in college active reading a textbook that I actually wanted to read instead of active skimming.

One of my favorite lines that I personally related to as an artist I will share:

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I’ve read many memoirs but this one left me addictively waiting for more.

#MusicReview: Martin’s In The Blink of A Life brings something new to the table.

Growing up, I was drawn to the song “Crazy” by Patsy Cline. I didn’t know why then (now I’m aware that her vocals on that piece were raw, honest, and carried you on an emotional journey despite the track being less than two minutes in length), my dad and I would just bond over how much that song spoke to us.

In much the same way, April Martin’s music speaks in a similar way: her vocals carry you on an emotional journey of where her heart has been, and her music reminds all who listen to it of greats like Loretta Lynn, Rosanne Cash, and Gillian Welch.

Click the image below to hear In The Blink of Life in it’s entirety.

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April Martin started her professional life as a Ph.D. in clinical
psychology and maintains a successful practice in New York City. Though
she made up songs in her head from as far back as she can remember, she
didn’t begin writing them down until later in life.

Her first album, Pennies in a Jar, was released in 2010, and garnered
more than 10,000 fans worldwide on Internet radio. This album, In the
Blink of a Life, takes her exploration of the human heart – which is
done with tenderness, humor, and passion, to greater depths of
reflection and maturity.

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On her work on this album and as a musician as a whole, April explains:

“When I was a child in the 1950’s you could
get a song sheet for 5 cents at the corner candy store with the lyrics
to tunes on the Hit Parade. My dad, whose natural tenor voice was always
bursting into song,  would give me a nickel each week when the new ones
came out. Together we learned songs like “Secret Love”,  “How Much Is
That Doggie in the Window?”, and “Oh My Pa-Pa.” These were some of the
happiest moments of my childhood.

Those songs were my constant companions. I overheard my first grade
teacher complaining, “If that child doesn’t stop humming I will go
crazy.” I hummed the tunes and memorized the words, which spoke life’s
truths to my little heart. I knew for a fact that love is a many
splendored thing, that Davey Crockett was king of the wild frontier, and
that when you load sixteen tons all you get is another day older and
deeper in debt. My musical tastes may have broadened, but to this day
I’m drawn to the simplicity of a song that makes me laugh or cry or
wonder about something that rings deeply true.

Songwriting came to me half a lifetime later, after spending decades
immersed in the human condition as a psychologist and a parent of three
children. To my surprise I found myself humming tunes I’d never heard
before and giving voice to things that welled up in me.

With every song I write I’m grateful to the people who trust me with
their vulnerabilities and joys, to my children who made me understand
love as never before, and to my dad who brought those wonderful songs
into my young world.”april-martin-cityscape-no-2

Song By Song review:

One Breath: This song speaks volumes about something we all forget and we need a major reminder of in today’s world. We only have now. We must take life one breath at a time. Favorite line “It’s all about now, the why, and the how. It’s all about love.”

Heart Break Doesn’t Come: My favorite song off the album solely because of it’s musicality about all hell breaking lose but the speaker saying blatantly “heart break doesn’t come from loving me.” The guitar breakdown adds a nice musicality to the track.

My Rock and My Rain: This song boasts lyrics that are practically songwriter perfection. A perfect to dedicate to your upcoming valentine.

While I’m Waiting: This song could have stayed an instrumental for it’s suspenseful musicality through the use of a rain-stick and various other percussion instruments.

Looking Back: Perfect song to play at someone’s memorial, it’s a perfect combination of soft music, lyrics that are tears of memory, and soft vocals.

Everday I Love You More: A beautiful love song with nice percussive musicality

Would You Let Me In: The flute adds a great musicality to this song about falling in love with someone who is grieving.

Sara’s Lullaby: Taking on the sound of Spanish folk music, this is a both a pleasure to listen to and a little bit of a style change for the artist.

All I’ve Got: Vocally, Martin reminds me of Karen Carpenter a little bit on this track folky love song.

One Part Truth, The Party’s In Full Swing, Life is Good, and Praise The Morning all boast of Martin’s country style as a singer-songwriter, both lyrically and musically.

In The Blink of A Life

April Martin

Rating: Four out of five cookies


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Wolves, Love, and Adventure: The Makings of a Great Novel #BookReview

Lately, I’ve noticed I really enjoy historical fiction. Even though, it’s no surprise that this novel grabbed me by the shirt collar from the first page. It reminded me of the amazing books I couldn’t get enough of as a child, Little House On The Prairie books.

Buy it now on Kindle for only 0.99.


Title: Maggie Elizabeth Harrington Vol. 1

Author: DJ Swykert

Rating: 4 cookies

This book had all I love in a novel. A strong female lead, a girl trying to make sense of her surroundings, and a love story. Maggie Elizabeth may be 13 but because she questions everything, she’s incredibly intuitive. Did I mention that she lives in 1893? Despite that huge gap in centuries, the issues discussed throughout this novel are still relevant in 2017.

Some issues discussed thematically are animal cruelty, religious sects, the Bible, life, death, and the in-between.

For The Struggling Writer, #BookReview

1,001 Tips for Writers: Words of Wisdom About Writing, Getting Published, and Living the Literary Life1,001 Tips for Writers: Words of Wisdom About Writing, Getting Published, and Living the Literary Life by William Gordon

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was absolutely amazing. It made me laugh, smile, and reminded me of how important it is that I make it a priority to write every day, while ridding my mind of all critical thing anyone has ever written or said about my writing. After all, writing only gets better with practice.

Interested in getting a copy of this book? Click below.

A Giant Page Turner: Proof by Ted D. Berner #BookReview and #Giveaway

I am a huge fan of science fiction. I have been since I was young. I couldn’t get enough of those “My Teacher Is An Alien” books. Now that I am older, I am intrigued by historical fiction just as much. The key to great fiction is to create tension within each temperature. This is done by allowing to know the reader certain things the characters don’t yet know.

Title: Proof 

Author: Ted D. Berner

Rating: 5 cookies

Proof is an excellent example of this concept. I was hooked from the beginning but found some familiarity in the content. I was intrigued by how a story could be weaved from a simple Bible verse in Genesis 6:4:


Then, the story became even more intriguing because of the actual historical research Berner uses to weave a mystical tale of whether giants do exist.

Some questions that may come up may be:

  • Do giants exist?
  • How were the pyramids built?
  • Who was Edward Cayce?
  • How was the Coral Castle built?

From the first page until the very last, Proof will have you fervently reading and wondering whether these theories are true. Given the chance, you should venture toward the mystical adventure ahead.

U.S. Entrants only have a chance to be one of two winners of a signed copy of Proof! To enter, you have two options:

For Those who use Twitter: Follow these instructions!

For those who use Facebook: Follow these instructions!


Giveaway ends Tuesday January 18 at midnight EST!

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