Toxins in our Food? Tell me more. #BookReview: Food Forensics by Mike Adams

I don’t know about you but one thing I never realized was what was actually in my food. Read any ingredients label and you find some strange terminology. Even organic products are always 100% natural.

This caused me to want to read Food Forensics by Mike Adams.

Despite the textbook-like feel of this book (which the author warns you on from the first page) there is a lot of information that anyone would and should be aware of especially those who are trying to eat cleaner.

  • For example, did you know there is ARSENIC in most brand name apple juices?

Dr. Oz is even noted within this book as showcasing it on his show a study he did that revealed this somewhat disturbing truth.

  • Mercury is a key ingredient used in CFL flourescent light bulbs.
  • One fact that I directly was intrigued by is the hidden way aspartame appears in food under the name phenylalanine. It is fine in small doses but too much can lead to chemical imbalances in the body over time which leads to a decrease in the body’s amount of serotonin. Serotonin affects moods and also regulates sleep, appetite, and muscle contractions, and it even affects memory and learning abilities.

Despite the science and nutritional jargon, this book was incredibly in-depth and could be used as a reference for anyone who really wants to know what’s in your food. Chances are though, if you didn’t read Fast Food Nation like I did in high school, you won’t read this.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss until it makes you sick.